Wooden House Casa en el Bosque in Valle de Bravo, Mexico from Parque Humano Architects

Wooden_House_1Mexico architecture firm designed the Casa Parque Humano en el Bosque (House in the Forest) in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. The house is located in Valle de Bravo, Estado de Mexico, Mexico (19 11′33 ° “N 100 ° 07′50″ O), the weather ranges from 33 ° C to -2 ° C. Plot Avándaro faces Lake and protected forest area of Cerro Gordo, rich pine and oak trees. Program: Living, dining, kitchen and multipurpose rm, two bedrooms, a gazebo and a swimming pool. Two pavilions, unequal in size, was set in front of the swimming pool. The first and largest contains the living and dining room, kitchen and a working studio. The second one: two bedrooms. Each pavilion with carefully placed on the site, incorporating all the existing trees into the program and face view of the most important. This house is rooted in the existing landscape.
Wooden_House_2After arriving, visitors find some of the experience: the steep cliffs, flora, house, pool of reflection. Visitors received under the protection of a steel cage, which is entered through a small door that leads into the living room, so that emphasize the contrast between the closed nature of the entrance and living room and full disclosure of the valley itself. Continuity between the landscape and the building is emphasized by structural glass window systems, beyond the conventional distinction between inside and outside. As a result, all the spaces are in direct and intimate contact with nature. The play of light and shadow in this window echoes the abstracted trees cast shadows in the courtyard of the monastery in the Desierto de los leones, located near Mexico City.
Wooden_House_3Cladding growing home and to enter into the context of the city. A veneer of clay artisanal specifically developed for the project, similar in texture to traditional homes that you notice in the area. Reaction To The weather is causing an ever-changing material in response to various levels of humidity. The house was occupied natural ledge on the hillside, overlooking the views to the south and turn to the wind coming from the north. Land drops far below the floor, emphasizing the slope of the land and thus dramatize the progress of the house through the site. Houses that arouses a sense of floating above the park, show a sense of contact with nature.

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